Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2017 -18 Goals

DIRECTIONS:  For the coming evaluative cycle, all PAHS teachers will set goals related to components outlined in your Pathwise booklet Components of Professional Practice. ** A lot of BP time will focus on scales & student benchmarks (assessment) and use of Scholarly Habits. Thus, time is built in for you to do your goals work. **

Note:  This document serves as a template for supporting your thinking about goals aligned to the Components of A Framework for Teaching. Consider previous evaluations, ideas taken from professional development activities, district initiatives, and our PBL and Schoology work. Above all, consider goals which are most likely to lead to improved performance by your students. If you wish to choose additional goals, you may do so.
It is useful to frame the goal using the acronym SMART:  Specific Measurable Achievable; Related to student achievement; Time bound.

* Copy and paste the text below into your blog from last year. Then write your plan in  your blog. Email Phil if you don’t know how to find your blog. This year, we will reflect & link evidence of your work and growth into your blog during several BP or in-service times. *

Teacher:  Trevor Putvain        Highlight Supervision Group #:     II     Date 9/19/2017

Grade Level - High School Subject(s)-

Goal 1: Domain 2 I will focus on Component:  Establishing a Culture for Learning

  1. Describe what aspects of this component you will focus on: This year I will be working on incorporating the aspects of our M3 work into the classroom. We can't just have students teach this in TA - Teachers need to reinforce the lessons and make the ideas of M3 live in the actual classroom.

  1. Strategies for working toward achieving the goal: Well, the most obvious is taking the M3 Grad class and learning at a deeper level the strategies for effective brain based learning. For instance - one of the sessions is about study techniques and how the brain makes links - but the TA lesson doesn't go into specifics about what those techniques are. The lesson material from Sousa and the course do fill in those gaps however and I will use them in class to further develop the curriculum.
I think this starts by being super (can't think of word) about it. Its explaining to students that we are going to do this this way because as we learned in M3 the brain likes it when we do this. It means calling out examples of growth and fixed mindsets when we see it. I've actually done this for years - but just kind of winging things on my own. Now I have researched based info to use and common language with students. Another strategy is changing what an assignment or task looks like. Instead of me assigning just one technique - it would be cool to point to a poster of options and tell students to choose or experiment with different techniques and assess how well they work for them.
  1. Evidence which will be used to assess goal attainment (What will this look like, sound like in your classroom?): I think I can assess this in the Scholarly Habit of Mind Set. I can observe - but that is tricky to make sure that you have solid evidence for every student. I suppose that student reflections are a possibility. I fear that this might be one of those after thoughts that I have to squeeze in because the curriculum is already so full of other things. I could use help here with how this evidence could be collected without it becoming burdensome.

Goal # 2: Domain 3 I will focus on Component:

  1. Describe what aspects of this component that you will focus on: Using Assessment in Learning: It seems like we just keep resetting and starting over from scratch every year on this goal. But, once again the goal has to be to align the curriculum to the Grad Profs and then create the scales. Then once the scales have all been rewritten I can start using them with students.

  1. Strategies for working toward achieving the goal: We've got to do this as a department because are scales have to written at a graduation level. Last year all the scales I wrote were lesson level and now I see that is not how we are going to track them in Schoology. Also I had scales for MRG's and now all assessments have to be anchored specifically to a Global Citizenship - so I need to rethink what every assignment and unit assesses and how it does it and how that fits into a four year progression.

  1. Evidence which will be used to assess goal attainment (what will this look like in your classroom?): Hopefully by the second semester the scales for all Global Citizenship profs will be written. Students would have copies of them all and be able to identify where they are at on the scale and have a goal for where they are trying to get to next. Not to make it all doom and gloom - Currently I have two that are ready to go and students have in their hand.
Trevor Putvain
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Teacher Signature              Date

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Principal’s Signature Date