Wednesday, October 19, 2016

First Goals Reflection 10/19/16

Classroom Environment
Expectations for learning and attainment
     I think I would be at proficient - but the language on this entire scale is hard to judge.  There is a difference between where I think I am expecting students to perform and whether or not they choose to do these things.  I have some students meeting my expectations, but some who are choosing not to for many reasons outside of my control.

But, on the whole if this is about migrating to a proficiency based system, I'm pleasantly surprised at how well this is encouraging students to keep pushing.  The concept of practice work vs mastery work seems to be encouraging students to work hard, although I'm still dealing with a few students who think that as long as the assignment isn't graded there is no value in doing it.  But, more often I am having the conversation with students that go something like "I didn't do very well on the test because I didn't do the practice work for the assignment.  If I want to get my grade to passing, next test I need to make sure I do my reading assignments".  I think they are starting to realize the new culture.  I've also seen some great things with students who stress about high grades.  I am able to push them with things they've never done before, they don't achieve proficient on the task first try and they don't crumble into pile of tears.  Instead they are looking at the feedback and making adjustments.  Its not perfect yet.  On a recent mastery assessment, I probably had about 1/3 of students who did not make any adjustments to the note taking techniques that I had given them feedback on.  So, they got low scores on the assessment.  This then leads to the conversation that you need to make the adjustments I suggested.  So, its taking some longer than others to figure it out - but we've got to start somewhere.

Using Assessment
   All Rows

I feel like I'm hitting basic on all of these for one reason that impacts them all.  I'm still trying to do too much to make this work.  If I have too many targets that I am trying  to achieve then its just taking too much time to do each of these things to the quality of what they should be.  Its the end of the first quarter and I'm still in the first unit.  When you have 10 targets you are trying to achieve you don't have enough time to go over all the scales with students ahead of time, I'm collecting too many formative assignments and with student numbers it takes me hours per assignment to look at the work and provide feedback. (although I'm making progress on techniques to provide more group feedback) and by the time we finish all this work we are just out of time to do the level of personal reflection that I'd like.  This is the area that I feel like I'm working the hardest but I'm drowning in trying to make it work.  Its not sustainable.

My Draft Targets 10/19/16

World History One:


Thinking And Problem Solving
     Questioning Students pose questions to clarify and expand information
Organization of Information: Students can break down complex information by Topic, Main Idea and Details
    Selection of Evidence : Claim and Evidence
Global Citizenship:
Pivotal Events
Will be including others as rewrite the curriculum. Basically, whereas the course used to follow one theme, this year I am adapting it so that each unit focuses on a different EU in the Global Citizenship Profs. So, will hit Geography, Types of Government, Economics targets but they are being developed.

Compose Synthesis  of Information
Express: Presentation
A question about these: I chose to use the scales as written in the MRG's. But, should I be using the targets in the Common Core Language instead?

Scholarly Habits
Reflection: There isn't really one in the scholarly habits - would like to find a universal scale for this - but I have one I created.

I've been organizing my scales and scoring rubrics on a google doc for each unit. So you should be able to find the corresponding scales and a unit level scoring rubric for each target on this link. Unit 1 Scales and Rubrics

I will have all of these scales available for P/T conference and thus can pick whichever one is most applicable to the individual student.  

Friday, August 26, 2016

Inservice Reflection and Goals

Let me start by saying this week has transformed my attitude and perspective.  Last semester I would describe my attitude as exhausted.  Curriculum Camp and summer I was lost, confused and frustrated. I felt like I know longer knew what I did and what I had done for years was not valued any longer.  I just couldn't see the big picture.  I came back on Monday with the attitude of giving this one more year and then reevaluating my career choices.

The things we received this week though have made things finally start to click.  I finally found my course in the Grad Proficiencies.  The continuum document provided me with clarity of what I do actually teach and a guide by which to start writing learning scales.  Tuesday the clouds parted and I could see a clear path to what I do, how to do it and what the end looks like.  I was excited to get going with a clear path no longer feeling like a flapping fish on a river bank.  I'm swimming up stream.  Lookout spawning grounds!

As evidence I'd like to share here a document that I started this week laying out the work of WH1 - its just the first unit - but a template that I hope to have completed by the end of the year.  It lays out the targets for each unit, and the continuum language I can share with students.  Using this language I can build the different grain size scales for each assessment.

WH1 Grad Profs and Scales

And finally here is a link to my goals.
Trevor Goals 2017